Wild food forager Sam Thayer talks with Katy Bowman about how he began foraging out of necessity, but now his body craves the nutrition—and nutritious movement—he only gets from foraging. Plus, he runs us through the physical work involved in making maple syrup and harvesting wild rice. Mileage for those who want to listen on the go: This podcast clocks in at around 75 minutes… so head out for a six-miler and let Katy and Sam keep you company.
Sam Thayer: https://www.foragersharvest.com
Billy Joe Tatum’s cookbook: https://www.amazon.com/Billy-Tatums-Foods-Field-Cookbook/dp/0911104771
Euell Gibbons: http://wildfoodadventures.com/about/john-kallas/wild-food-adventurer/wfa-by-volumeyear/euell-gibbons/